AnnéeAuteurNationalitéJournalTitreType d’étudeType interventionScore PEDroScore de SackettEffectifRésultat
2019FordAustraliePhysiotherapyIndividualised manual therapy plus guideline-based advice vs advice alone for people with clinical features of lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain: a randomised controlled trial.Essai clinique randomiséMT + conseils VS Conseils71n = 64hypoalgesia at local and remote sites along with improved pain and low back-related disability, in every group
2019BondUSAJournal of Manual & Manipulative TherapyEffect of spinal manipulative therapy on mechanical pain sensitivity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a pilot randomized, controlled trial.Essai clinique piloteSMT VS placebo101n = 29In participants with clinical features potentially indicative of lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain, individualised manual therapyled to greater reduction in back pain at 5, 10 and 26-week follow-up as well as activity limitation at 26 and 52-weeks
2019RubinsteinPays-BasBMJ (Clinical research ed.)Benefits and harms of spinal manipulative therapy for the treatment of chronic low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsMéta-analyseSMT ou Mobilisation47 étudesSMT produces similar effects to recommended therapies for chronic low back pain, whereas SMT seems to be better than non-recommended interventions for improvement in function in the short term
2019ArguisuelasEspagneClinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)Effects of myofascial release in erector spinae myoelectric activity and lumbar spine kinematics in non-specific chronic low back pain: Randomized controlled trialEssai clinique randomiséMyofascial release VS Placebo111n = 36The myofascial release protocol contributed to the normalization of the flexion- relaxation response in individuals who did not show myoelectric silence before the intervention, and also showed a significant reduction in pain and disability compared with the sham group
2019KamaliIranJournal of Bodywork and Movement TherapiesComparison of manipulation and stabilization exercises in patients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction patients: A randomized clinical trial.Essai clinique randomiséManip vs Exo stabilisation52n = 40Both groups showed significant improvement in assessed pain and ODI
(P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between groups in postintervention
assessed pain or ODI (P>0.05).
2018Marti-SalvadorEspagneArchives of Phyical Medicine and RehabilitationOsteopathic Manipulative Treatment Including Specific Diaphragm Techniques Improves Pain and Disability in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial.Essai clinique randomisé OMT avec diaphragme VS OMT avec placebo sur diaphragmen = 66Réduction douleur et handicap
2018NambiArabie SaouditeEuropean journal of physical and rehabilitation medicineSpinal manipulation plus laser therapy versus laser therapy alone in the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain: a randomized controlled study.Essai clinique randomiséSMT + Laser + Exo VS Laser + Exo VS Controln = 330ANOVA analyses showed significant improvement (P<0.001) in pain reduction (VAS), flexion range of motion (MMST), functional disability (RMDQ), depression status (PHQ-9), and quality of life (HRQOL-4) in SM-LT-CE group compared to the other two groups at one-year follow-up
2018EvansUSAPAINSpinal manipulation and exercise for low back pain in adolescents: a randomized trialEssai clinique randomisé multicentrique12 semaines de SMT+ exercices vs exercices seulsn=179SMT+Exos améliorent sur un an avec pic d’amélioration à 6 mois (vs exos seuls)
2018SniderUSAJournal of the American Osteopathic AssociationUltrasonographic Evaluation of the Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Sacral Base AsymmetryEssai clinique randomiséOMT vs ctrl assis vs ctrl marchen=60Pas de changement mis en evidence par Ultrasonographie après OMT. implication de l’IMC en biais ?
2017YounesFranceChiropractic and Manual TherapiesEffect of spinal manipulative treatment on cardiovascular autonomic control in patients with acute low back painEssai clinique randomiséSMT vs Placebon=22SMT augmente haute fréquence de la VRC (modulation parasympathique cardiaque) et la sensibilité des baroreflexes. (pas de diff dlr ni pression systolique)
2017FrankeAllemagneJournal of Bodywork and Movement TherapiesOsteopathic manipulative treatment for low back and pelvic girdle pain during and after pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.revue systématique /métaanalyse8 étudesDiminution douleur et augmentation fonction chz la femme enceinte (qualité modérée) et en post partum (qualité faible)
2017Teodorczyk-InjeyanCanadaThe Clinical Journal of PainElevated Production of Nociceptive CC-chemokines and sE-selectin in Patients with Low Back Pain and the Effects of Spinal Manipulation: A Non-randomized Clinical Trial.Essai clinique non contrôléHVT région lombo sacréeAmélioration
2016Tamer?Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitationThe effect of visceral osteopathic manual therapy applications on pain, quality of life and function in patients with chronic nonspecific low back painEssai clinique randomiséOMT + exercices VS pareil + viscéraln = 39Effet positif dans les 2 groupes, + dans le groupe avec viscéral sur certains critères de QdV
2016XiaUSASpineSimilar Effects of Thrust and Nonthrust Spinal Manipulation Found in Adults With Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Controlled Trial With Adaptive AllocationEssai clinique randomiséSMT vs non SMT vs Control192SMT = non-SMT > Control pour la réduction de la douleur et l’amélioration de la QDV
2016LicciardoneUSAJournal of the American Osteopathic AssociationRecovery From Chronic Low Back Pain After Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Essai clinique randomisé6 OMT session over 8 weeks vs placeboamélioration des douleurs 1 mois après l’arrêt du traitement.
2016GoertzUSAManual TherapyEffects of spinal manipulation on sensorimotor function in low back pain patients–A randomised controlled trial.Essai clinique randomiséHVLA vs LVVA vs placeboAugmentation des oscillation medio-latérales (posture) chez les patients LVVA, sinon rien d’autre
2016Castro-SanchezEspagneThe spine journalShort-term effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy versus functional technique in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial.Essai clinique randomiséHVT vs technique fonctionnelle62Groupe HVT réduction statistiquement plus importante du disability index  mais aucun groupe ne montre de réduction cliniquement significative
2016ChenTaiwanManual TherapyIncreased sliding of transverse abdominis during contraction after myofascial release in patients with chronic low back pain.L’abstract dit étude observationnelle de cohorte. EtrangeTechnique myofasciale?L’intervention semble avoir un effet sur le muscle transverse de l’abdomen
2016AngmoIndeJournal of Bodywork and Movement TherapyEffects of unilateral posteroanterior mobilization in subjects with sacralized lumbosacral transitional vertebrae.Essai clinique pilotepostero-anterior mobilization (vérifier si c’est ostéo) vs contrôle30Réduction de la douleur dans le groupe traité
2015KimCorée du SudInternational Journal of Osteopathic MedicineRehabilitation with osteopathic manipulative treatment after lumbar disc surgery: A randomised, controlled pilot studyEssai clinique piloteOMT vs exerciceamélioration post-chir supérieure dans le groupe OMT
2015WongChineSpineDo Participants With Low Back Pain Who Respond to Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically From Nonresponders, Untreated Controls or Asymptomatic Controls?Essai clinique non-randomiséSpinal Manipulative Therapy vs controlCeux répondant au traitement semblent avoir des caractéristiques biomécaniques différentes
2015SelhorstUSAJournal of Manual & Manipulative TherapyLumbar manipulation and exercise for the treatment of acute low back pain in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial Essai clinique randomiséManip HVT Lombaire + kiné VS placebo + kiné45Pas de différence entre les groupes notée mais puissance faible. Pas d’EI trouvé
2015SchwerlaAllemagneJournal of the American Osteopathic AssociationOsteopathic Manipulative Therapy in Women With Postpartum Low Back Pain and Disability: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled TrialEssai clinique randomiséOMT VS rien80Diminution significative de la douleur dans le groupe traité. (4 ttt en 8 semaines)
2015BuchananUSAAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Pregnancy Research on Osteopathic
Manipulation Optimizing Treatment
Effects: the PROMOTE study
Essai clinique randomiséOMT VS ultrason VS soins courantDiminution de la douleur et amélioration de la fonction lombaire chez le group eOMT vs soins courant, mais pas de diff avec ultrason
2015PanagopoulosAustralieEuropean Journal of PainDoes the addition of visceral manipulation alter outcomes for patients with low back pain? A randomized placebo controlled trialEssai clinique randomiséViscéral + kiné VS Placebo + kinéA 6 semaines, pas de différence de douleur retrouvée entre les groupes, mais à un an oui (mais attention car critère secondaire)
2015SchneiderUSASpineComparison of Spinal Manipulation Methods and Usual Medical Care for Acute and Subacute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical TrialEssai clinique randomisé vs usual caremanual thrust manip vs thrust avec assistance mécaMTM > MAT = UC
2014AjimshaIndeJournal of Bodywork and Movement TherapyEffectiveness of Myofascial release in the management of chronic low back pain in nursing professionalsEssai clinique randomisé contre placebo80Les résultats suggèrent que les techniques de relâchement myofascial diminue la sévérité des lombalgies chez les infirmiers.
2014PrinsenUSAJournal of the American Osteopathic AssociationOMT Associated With Reduced Analgesic Prescribing and Fewer Missed Work Days in Patients With Low Back Pain: An Observational StudyEtude observationnelle1013 dossiers médicauxLes résultats suggèrent que les travailleurs utilisant l’ostéopathie consomment moins de médicaments analgésiques