Année | Auteur | Nationalité | Journal | Titre | Type d’étude | Type intervention | Score PEDro | Score de Sackett | Effectif | Résultat |
2019 | Ford | Australie | Physiotherapy | Individualised manual therapy plus guideline-based advice vs advice alone for people with clinical features of lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain: a randomised controlled trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | MT + conseils VS Conseils | 7 | 1 | n = 64 | hypoalgesia at local and remote sites along with improved pain and low back-related disability, in every group |
2019 | Bond | USA | Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy | Effect of spinal manipulative therapy on mechanical pain sensitivity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a pilot randomized, controlled trial. | Essai clinique pilote | SMT VS placebo | 10 | 1 | n = 29 | In participants with clinical features potentially indicative of lumbar zygapophyseal joint pain, individualised manual therapyled to greater reduction in back pain at 5, 10 and 26-week follow-up as well as activity limitation at 26 and 52-weeks |
2019 | Rubinstein | Pays-Bas | BMJ (Clinical research ed.) | Benefits and harms of spinal manipulative therapy for the treatment of chronic low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials | Méta-analyse | SMT ou Mobilisation | 47 études | SMT produces similar effects to recommended therapies for chronic low back pain, whereas SMT seems to be better than non-recommended interventions for improvement in function in the short term | ||
2019 | Arguisuelas | Espagne | Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) | Effects of myofascial release in erector spinae myoelectric activity and lumbar spine kinematics in non-specific chronic low back pain: Randomized controlled trial | Essai clinique randomisé | Myofascial release VS Placebo | 11 | 1 | n = 36 | The myofascial release protocol contributed to the normalization of the flexion- relaxation response in individuals who did not show myoelectric silence before the intervention, and also showed a significant reduction in pain and disability compared with the sham group |
2019 | Kamali | Iran | Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies | Comparison of manipulation and stabilization exercises in patients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction patients: A randomized clinical trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | Manip vs Exo stabilisation | 5 | 2 | n = 40 | Both groups showed significant improvement in assessed pain and ODI (P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between groups in postintervention assessed pain or ODI (P>0.05). |
2018 | Marti-Salvador | Espagne | Archives of Phyical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Including Specific Diaphragm Techniques Improves Pain and Disability in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | OMT avec diaphragme VS OMT avec placebo sur diaphragme | n = 66 | Réduction douleur et handicap | ||
2018 | Nambi | Arabie Saoudite | European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine | Spinal manipulation plus laser therapy versus laser therapy alone in the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain: a randomized controlled study. | Essai clinique randomisé | SMT + Laser + Exo VS Laser + Exo VS Control | n = 330 | ANOVA analyses showed significant improvement (P<0.001) in pain reduction (VAS), flexion range of motion (MMST), functional disability (RMDQ), depression status (PHQ-9), and quality of life (HRQOL-4) in SM-LT-CE group compared to the other two groups at one-year follow-up | ||
2018 | Evans | USA | PAIN | Spinal manipulation and exercise for low back pain in adolescents: a randomized trial | Essai clinique randomisé multicentrique | 12 semaines de SMT+ exercices vs exercices seuls | n=179 | SMT+Exos améliorent sur un an avec pic d’amélioration à 6 mois (vs exos seuls) | ||
2018 | Snider | USA | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association | Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Sacral Base Asymmetry | Essai clinique randomisé | OMT vs ctrl assis vs ctrl marche | n=60 | Pas de changement mis en evidence par Ultrasonographie après OMT. implication de l’IMC en biais ? | ||
2017 | Younes | France | Chiropractic and Manual Therapies | Effect of spinal manipulative treatment on cardiovascular autonomic control in patients with acute low back pain | Essai clinique randomisé | SMT vs Placebo | n=22 | SMT augmente haute fréquence de la VRC (modulation parasympathique cardiaque) et la sensibilité des baroreflexes. (pas de diff dlr ni pression systolique) | ||
2017 | Franke | Allemagne | Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies | Osteopathic manipulative treatment for low back and pelvic girdle pain during and after pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | revue systématique /métaanalyse | 8 études | Diminution douleur et augmentation fonction chz la femme enceinte (qualité modérée) et en post partum (qualité faible) | |||
2017 | Teodorczyk-Injeyan | Canada | The Clinical Journal of Pain | Elevated Production of Nociceptive CC-chemokines and sE-selectin in Patients with Low Back Pain and the Effects of Spinal Manipulation: A Non-randomized Clinical Trial. | Essai clinique non contrôlé | HVT région lombo sacrée | Amélioration | |||
2016 | Tamer | ? | Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation | The effect of visceral osteopathic manual therapy applications on pain, quality of life and function in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain | Essai clinique randomisé | OMT + exercices VS pareil + viscéral | n = 39 | Effet positif dans les 2 groupes, + dans le groupe avec viscéral sur certains critères de QdV | ||
2016 | Xia | USA | Spine | Similar Effects of Thrust and Nonthrust Spinal Manipulation Found in Adults With Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Controlled Trial With Adaptive Allocation | Essai clinique randomisé | SMT vs non SMT vs Control | 192 | SMT = non-SMT > Control pour la réduction de la douleur et l’amélioration de la QDV | ||
2016 | Licciardone | USA | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association | Recovery From Chronic Low Back Pain After Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | 6 OMT session over 8 weeks vs placebo | amélioration des douleurs 1 mois après l’arrêt du traitement. | |||
2016 | Goertz | USA | Manual Therapy | Effects of spinal manipulation on sensorimotor function in low back pain patients–A randomised controlled trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | HVLA vs LVVA vs placebo | Augmentation des oscillation medio-latérales (posture) chez les patients LVVA, sinon rien d’autre | |||
2016 | Castro-Sanchez | Espagne | The spine journal | Short-term effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy versus functional technique in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. | Essai clinique randomisé | HVT vs technique fonctionnelle | 62 | Groupe HVT réduction statistiquement plus importante du disability index mais aucun groupe ne montre de réduction cliniquement significative | ||
2016 | Chen | Taiwan | Manual Therapy | Increased sliding of transverse abdominis during contraction after myofascial release in patients with chronic low back pain. | L’abstract dit étude observationnelle de cohorte. Etrange | Technique myofasciale | ? | L’intervention semble avoir un effet sur le muscle transverse de l’abdomen | ||
2016 | Angmo | Inde | Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy | Effects of unilateral posteroanterior mobilization in subjects with sacralized lumbosacral transitional vertebrae. | Essai clinique pilote | postero-anterior mobilization (vérifier si c’est ostéo) vs contrôle | 30 | Réduction de la douleur dans le groupe traité | ||
2015 | Kim | Corée du Sud | International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine | Rehabilitation with osteopathic manipulative treatment after lumbar disc surgery: A randomised, controlled pilot study | Essai clinique pilote | OMT vs exercice | amélioration post-chir supérieure dans le groupe OMT | |||
2015 | Wong | Chine | Spine | Do Participants With Low Back Pain Who Respond to Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically From Nonresponders, Untreated Controls or Asymptomatic Controls? | Essai clinique non-randomisé | Spinal Manipulative Therapy vs control | Ceux répondant au traitement semblent avoir des caractéristiques biomécaniques différentes | |||
2015 | Selhorst | USA | Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy | Lumbar manipulation and exercise for the treatment of acute low back pain in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial | Essai clinique randomisé | Manip HVT Lombaire + kiné VS placebo + kiné | 45 | Pas de différence entre les groupes notée mais puissance faible. Pas d’EI trouvé | ||
2015 | Schwerla | Allemagne | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association | Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy in Women With Postpartum Low Back Pain and Disability: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial | Essai clinique randomisé | OMT VS rien | 80 | Diminution significative de la douleur dans le groupe traité. (4 ttt en 8 semaines) | ||
2015 | Buchanan | USA | American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology | Pregnancy Research on Osteopathic Manipulation Optimizing Treatment Effects: the PROMOTE study | Essai clinique randomisé | OMT VS ultrason VS soins courant | Diminution de la douleur et amélioration de la fonction lombaire chez le group eOMT vs soins courant, mais pas de diff avec ultrason | |||
2015 | Panagopoulos | Australie | European Journal of Pain | Does the addition of visceral manipulation alter outcomes for patients with low back pain? A randomized placebo controlled trial | Essai clinique randomisé | Viscéral + kiné VS Placebo + kiné | A 6 semaines, pas de différence de douleur retrouvée entre les groupes, mais à un an oui (mais attention car critère secondaire) | |||
2015 | Schneider | USA | Spine | Comparison of Spinal Manipulation Methods and Usual Medical Care for Acute and Subacute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Essai clinique randomisé vs usual care | manual thrust manip vs thrust avec assistance méca | MTM > MAT = UC | |||
2014 | Ajimsha | Inde | Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy | Effectiveness of Myofascial release in the management of chronic low back pain in nursing professionals | Essai clinique randomisé contre placebo | 80 | Les résultats suggèrent que les techniques de relâchement myofascial diminue la sévérité des lombalgies chez les infirmiers. | |||
2014 | Prinsen | USA | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association | OMT Associated With Reduced Analgesic Prescribing and Fewer Missed Work Days in Patients With Low Back Pain: An Observational Study | Etude observationnelle | 1013 dossiers médicaux | Les résultats suggèrent que les travailleurs utilisant l’ostéopathie consomment moins de médicaments analgésiques |